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593 bytes added, 21:36, 17 January 2010
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'''Follower''' appears to be is the new [[Diablo III]] name for the [[Diablo II]] {{wl|[ mercenaries]}}.
==Mercenaries in Diablo III==
Little is yet known about how mercs will be handled in Diablo III. The D3 team has said there will likely be hireable mercs, but they've given no information about how powerful these mercs will be, how they will be obtained, if they'll get an AI upgrade, or if they'll be able to wear equipment as the D2 mercs were.  They've told us little more than that there will be mercs again, and that they'll be improved over how they worked in Diablo 2. [] ::''Do those NPC's provide abilities to the hero, like a proper party system?::'''Julian Love:''' That's also not yet finalised. We're trying to make them definitely a step above the henchmen of Diablo II, but how big of a step is something I can't say yet. Hopefully next time we reveal something I can show you more.