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WWI 2008: D3 Design Fundamentals Panel

6 bytes added, 12:51, 7 July 2008
The History of the Diablo Series
''Diablo 3 '' is our next big step. I'll summarize the series a bit, then get into the new details.
'''Diablo:''' One of the first mainstream games to give you random items, random dungeons, and to have a lot of replayability. It offered very simple, action-based gameplay. Fun character customization through spells and items.
'''Diablo 2:''' Expanded on Diablo. Added a lot larger world. Outdoor environments. Advanced the character classes. Much more unique char classes at the time. Barbs and necros and amazons were very unusual then, not the type of chars you saw in games, compared to your average warrior/rogue type characters. Skill tree system has become standard for the industry. It was the original idea based on an RTS tech tree.
==Diablo III Design Goals==