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WWI 2008: D3 Game Design Panel

1 byte removed, 12:37, 7 July 2008
Panel Details
Q: How did you keep the secret for so long?<br>
A: We've very secretive and security conscious. There was a joke in the Penny Arcade comic about the bombs planted in the backs of the heads of our employees. It's not that far off. We value our privacy. The employees recognize the importance of keeping this under wraps and the value we get from a big announcement like this. They're very proud of our work. The development team is most motivated to keep it under wraps. It feels good to talk about it at last. If you find us at a bar tonight we'll probably just be shouting "Diablo 3 Diablo 3."
[[Image:Pa-bliz-secret.jpg|center|thumb|500px|The [ Penny Arcade comic]] Jay Wilson referenced in the chat.]]
Q: changes? <br>