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3 bytes added, 23:01, 26 November 2009
-This is the first fan class i ever made, i first posted it here on Diablowiki on 11-11-2009 but I had been working on it for three months prior to that date (concept, skills and art), i have also suggested the concept several times on some threads on the forums as a candidate for '''"possible fifth class"''' under the name of '''"Raider"''', but it was just a simple outline not as detailed as the '''"Nomad"''' who serves the same role.
-Second Update Batch on 26-11-2009, Female Nomad backstory told and an art piece was added to the gallery showing the male and female Nomads starting gear (i.e naked with no extra gear worn).
Further upgrades and updates will be made if possible including and not limited to (altering/removing/adding skills, adding skill rune effects, adding more art, .... etc etc).