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User talk:Leord/2

138 bytes added, 18:09, 24 November 2009
Having Fun?: Making many edits
::::::Well, in RC you can filter out Minor edits with a toggle (add &hideminor=1, or click the button in RC Options, second row). I have no idea how the feed works exactly, though, so I don't know what would and wouldn't work.
::::::As for the images: Do you mean that the images are effectively hyperlinks to the image's page? I've seen a method to make the image link to the current page, but it's irreliable (it doesn't like namespaces much...); I'll ask around to see if there's a simple method that doesn't mess up. Do you want a brute image link disable (i.e. images simple never link), or a case-by-case application? I don't know if the former is possible, but who knows. --[[User:Vipermagi|Vipermagi]] 18:01, 24 November 2009 (UTC)
::::::Case-by-case was a rather obvious one: [[image:wiki.png|link=|30px]]. --[[User:Vipermagi|Vipermagi]] 18:09, 24 November 2009 (UTC)