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329 bytes added, 13:25, 23 November 2009
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He became well known among the warriors of the Northern Lands because of his supposed gift. Men began to follow Madawc wherever he went, staying if he stayed, leaving when he left. He became something of a legend, a warrior prophet. However, one night as Madawc sat around the fire with some of his men, he stood up, dropped his pipe, and left. When one of the men stopped him and asked where he was going he said, "The Ancients have called me to guard Mt. Arreat. So, I must go." Pushing past the man, Madawc began his long trek south to the summit of Mt. Arreat.
The "Ancient Ones", or the [[Ancient]]s have been associated with the "spirits of the [[nephalem]]." Whether they really are spirits of the Nephalem, or perhaps these are Nephalem descendants (and they are spirits of them) is unknown. The powers of Madawc seem to indicate he has some sort of Nephalem connection.