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31 bytes added, 11:12, 23 November 2009
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'''Karybdus''' is a follower of [[Rathma]] and a keeper of balance. However he's , but is considered mad since he helped [[Aldric Jitan]] to summon [[Astrogha]] to the world of [[Sanctuary]] to "restore" the balance between good and evil. He was banished together with Astrogha into the moon by [[Zayl]]
He's considered mad since he helped [[Aldric Jitan]] to summon [[Astrogha]] to the world of [[Sanctuary]] to "restore" the balance between good and evil. He was banished together with Astrogha into the moon by [[Zayl]]
 Karybdus had control over the current king of [[Westmarch]] - [[JustinianIV]] IV by imposing as his father [[Cornelius]].