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Adding points to the skill will increase the damage. The mana cost for a click will increase. The mana cost for holding the button for a drag will decrease - only the start mana cost will increase.
* '''Mind Control'''
The mage raises her hand and draws a mystic rune in the air. The same rune appears on the selected enemy's head. Then the enemy fights on your side. Using the skill on an enemy that is already on your side will cause his immediate death. The enemy fights for you until he gets killed or until you kill him. This is how you can make a small army of Mind Controlled creatures /up to 12/.
If you already have the maximum of Mind Controlled monsters using the skill again will capture the next monster and another monster of yours will die.
Enemies that are higher level will not be affected, so add points to the skill. Bosses will not be affected of course.
The spell costs mana.
This spell '''cannot''' be combined with Call Angels from the Holy Power skill tree. If you have mind controlled creatures, the angels will not appear - they don't endorse the existence of evil creatures on your site. Actually the angels will come, but when they see the mind controlled creatures, they will disappear immediately.
Adding points to the skill will increase the chance to control high level enemies. The maximum count of controlled creatures will increase /up to 12/. The mana cost will increase.