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Fanmade:Nature Forces Skill Tree

575 bytes added, 21:49, 12 November 2009
no edit summary
Adding points to the skill will increase the spikes damage /cold and magical/, the freeze duration and the count of concentric ice spike rings /up to six/. The mana cost will increase.
* '''Ice Storm'''
The mage raises her hand above her head, winds start to blow, ice pieces and snow start flying all around, freezing the enemies and turning them into ice cubes. The more you hold the button, the longer the Ice Storm, but it depletes the mana orb quickly. No matter how long you hold the button, after that the mage is exhausted - there is 5 minutes casting delay.
The damage is cold and magical. Costs mana per second.
Adding points to the skill will increase the cold and magical damage, the freeze duration and will decrease the mana cost per second.