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==Sanctuary Languages==
As most fantasy worlds, Sanctuary consists of cultures that shares different social traits. For now, the only thing that is known about these is that there is a mutual understanding of languages between the continents, and whether this is due to the fact that people speak multiple languages through their culture, of if there is a "common" language (English) that everyone shares is unknown. Players as well as [[character]]s and [[NPC]]s in the world travel to either side of the globe, and can still communicate with people.
Names are more socially inspired though, and country does show there must be some diversity with languages in the lands. Country names such as "[[Westmarch]]", and town names such as "[[Tristram]]", has a clear "Western" reference from ''our world'', as does the architecture. [[Deckard Cain]] is a character name from a person of the west, while "[[Abd al-Hazir]]" is the name of a character from the flourishing East. If everyone shares a "common" language, they still seem to retain their own cultural names.
The only known specifically mentioned language is the [[Umbaru]] people's tongue from the [[Teganze]] area of the [[Torajan]] jungles [http://www.diablowiki.net/Writings_of_Abd_al-Hazir:_Entry_no._0009].
===Language/Name Inspiration===
This is of course a lot more complex than just saying they speak one of our real world languages, and "inspiration" is the best word here. Blizzard were inspired by these real world languages when they created names or words in the fantasy languages of Sanctuary. Some names have a related meaning, some ''sound'' like the related language, and some are completely unrelated:
* '''Druidic''' - Irish (seems like a 100% conversion)
* '''Barbarian''' - Scandinavian (mostly)
* '''Kehjistani''' - Arabic (mostly)
* '''Umbaru''' - Aboriginal/African/Haitian/Indian. ''There are some connections with an Aboriginal "King" who apparently was clairvoyant, and the name is similar to an Indian village, but there's also heavy inspiration from Haitian Voodoo culture.''
* '''Western Kingdoms Tounge''' - English (mostly)
* '''Xiansaian''' - Eastern Asian. ''Hard to know, since not much information about [[Xiansai]] is released, and the clothing seems to have both Chinese and Japanese inspiration.''