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Magic Weapon (BlizzCon 2008)

81 bytes added, 12:54, 14 October 2009
no edit summary
'''Magic Weapon''' is a Tier 4 [[skill]] from the [[Wizard]]'s [[Conjuring Skill Tree]], making your weapon [[magic]]al and increasing damage.
{{Archived|[[BlizzCon 2008]]|[[Magic Weapon]][[Category:Wizard skill archive]]}}
On the other hand, there are enough limits on which classes can use which weapons that Wizards might be limited in their melee damage no matter what they tried.
This direction would've been useful in [Diablo 2]], what with all the "unique" builds, including the melee [[Sorceress]][. The question is if that kind of diversity will exist in [[Diablo 3]], or else this skill seems useless.