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Magic Weapon

41 bytes added, 15:44, 12 October 2009
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On the other hand, there are enough limits on which classes can use which weapons that Wizards might be limited in their melee damage no matter what they tried.
This direction would've been useful in [Diablo 2]], what with all the "unique" builds, including the melee [[Sorceress]][. The question is if that kind of diversity will exist in [[Diablo 3]], or else this skill seems useless.
The precursor to Magic Weapon was first shown at [[BlizzCon 2008]] . Together with spells like the name VERY similar [[Weapon Mastery]]. Together with spells like (gone), [[Damage Resistance]] (gone) and [[Spectral Blade]] (still in), it gave a hint of seeing the Wizard getting the capability of going [[melee].
While the [[BlizzCon 2008]] skills had several [[melee]]-related skills, most of those disappeared with the new [[BlizzCon 2009]] build.
'''Previous Versions:'''
* [[Weapon Mastery]]
* [[Magic Weapon (BlizzCon 2008)]]