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570 bytes added, 12:38, 21 September 2009
no edit summary
Passives will probably boost the damage/hit points of the mongrels, or of all summoned pets, assuming there are others further down this tree. The explosive damage of a Sacrifice (Mongrel or other unknown minions) could also be boosted, as could the duration and damage of the Zombie Wall.--[[User:Leord|Leord]] 14:35, 2 September 2009 (CEST)
==New Skill Page Functionality==
I just finished the [[Barbarian skills]] page update, making it an integrated part of the individual skill tree pages: [[Berserker Skill Tree]], [[Juggernaut Skill Tree]] and [[Battlemaster Skill Tree]]. If you edit [[Barbarian skills]] (or the Wiz, Monk and WD ones that will be done soon) that edit is actually taking place on the individual skill tree pages. Please consider this when editing the skill tree pages or the class skills pages. Ask here if you have any questions! --[[User:Leord|Leord]] 14:38, 21 September 2009 (CEST)