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455 bytes added, 09:53, 21 September 2009
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'''Ivgorod''' is a country in the world of [[Sanctuary]] where the famous [[monk]]s reside.
Not much is known about Ivgorod, except that it is located in "the Foothills". It sounds a bit like it could be located on the Eastern Continent, somewhere north of [[Caldeum]], but since it's known the winters in Ivgorod are quite cold for anyone of more warm blod (like [[Abd al-Hazir]]), it could just as well be closer to the [[Barbarian]] homelands.
Looking at the [[Writings of Abd al-Hazir]], he writes about Ivgorod in his [[Writings_of_Abd_al-Hazir:_Entry_no._0032|32:nd entry]], which chronologically seems to be somewhere on the western continent, if the entries are added through his travels in a logical order.  ==Location Speculaton==In one of the [[BlizzCon 09]] panels, loremaster [[Leonard Boyarsky]] mentioned that Ivgorod is in or near the [[Sharval Wilds]], which is on the western continent. The "Foothills" could then possibly be the foothills of the same mountain range as the [[Tamoe Highlands]] and the Rogue Monastery in Diablo 2, just further north.
{{stub|because we do not know where it is}}
* [[Writings of Abd al-Hazir: Entry no. 0032]]
* [[BlizzCon 2009]]
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