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* '''B.net''' or '''Bnet''' -- [[Battle.net]]. Blizzard's game server for Diablo II.* '''B/O''' -- Best Offer. Used in trading items. Also Battle Orders a Barbarian skill* '''Baba''' or '''Barb''' -- [[Barbarian]].* '''BBL''' -- Be Back Later* '''BBS''' -- Be back soon* '''Big D''' -- [[Diablo]] (the boss monster himself.)* '''BIN''' -- Buy it now. A fixed price, no negotiation.* '''Blk''' -- Block.* '''bm''' -- bad Bad manners. Indicating a [[PvP]] ruleset.* '''boost''' -- [[rushRush]], [[turbo]]. To pave the way for a new player, so he can defeat all act bosses without actually doing anything himself.* '''BM''' -- the Barbarian's [[BattleMaster Battle Master Skill Tree]], or a Barbarian who specializes in that tree.* '''Bp''' -- [[Breakpoint]]. A mark at which something improves.* '''Brb''' -- Be right back.* '''Brt''' -- Be right there.* '''Btc''' -- Back to channel.* '''BTS''' -- Blizzard Technical Support.* '''btw''' -- By the way* '''BvB''' -- Barbarian Versus Barbarian Dueling.* '''BvC''' -- Barbarian v Caster (pvp)
* CP - [[Checkpoint]]. The save points reached at the start of most dungeon levels in D3.
* Closed - Closed Battle.net. Online play with characters saved on a Battle.net Server.
* clvl - [[Character Levellevel]].
* CM - Community Member
* CM - Council Member
* D - [[Diablo]]* D2 - [[Diablo II]]
* D2C - Diablo 2 classic.
* D2X - [[Diablo II: Lord of Destruction|Lord of Destruction Diablo 2 expansion]].
* Dam - Damage
* DD - Don't die
* DEX - Dexterity.
* DL - deadline in a trade EG DL10 = 10 hours before close
* dii - diiDiii.net. A D2 reference and forum site
* Dii.net - Diabloii.net. #1 Fan site of Diablo 2 and a source of vast information.
* diii - diiDiii.net. A D3 reference and forum site* Diii.net - DiabloiiiDiii.net. #1 Fan site of Diablo 3 and a source of vast information.
* ding - Player announcing they've just leveled. (For the sound effect that's heard.)
* ding - Sound of a ring/amulet dropping. (Mostly used in Diablo I, where that sound was very distinctive and thrilling.)