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Poison Mage

21 bytes added, 12:30, 15 September 2009
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|found= [[Desert Tomb]]s
[[Image:Mon-poison-mage2.jpg|left|thumb|Only a splat and legs remainSplat.]]
Less common than their [[Frozen Mage]] cousins, the Poison Mages were found in the same tombs beneath the Act 2 desert surface. Their attacks were similar, but used poison rather than chilling ice balls.
When killed the Poison Mages broke into scattered limbs, just like the Frozen Mages. They burst with a splat of green gore, and left a puddle of green blood behind, in addition to their cockroach legs.
[[Image:Mon-poison-mage1.jpg|right|thumb|Standing behind a skeleton protector.]]
Nothing is known of the lore or origin of these monsters.
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