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1,889 bytes added, 12:13, 5 September 2009
July 2009
==July 2009==
Coming coming soon...  [[Image:Skill_witchdoctor_horrify_icon.gif]]{{blz}} 11 July, 2009. [ Bashiok on Horrify], the male Wizard, and item sharing. {{com}} July 10, 2009. [ Why Blizzard should offer LAN support]. An editorial debated. {{blz}} 9 July, 2009. [ Bashiok on Soul Harvest] and damage types. [[Image:Disintegrate-purple.gif|frame|thumb|Disintegrate, purple-ized.]]{{blz}} 8 July, 2009. [ Bashiok on Arcane skill colors] and Wizard damage types. {{blz}} 7 July, 2009. [ Bashiok posts about Death Proof], Fire Spells, Mobility Spells, and Paying to re-Play. {{com}} 5 July, 2009. [ Trading in D3 is examined], with comparisons and discussions of how trading works in other RPGs. {{blz}} 3 July, 2009. [ Bashiok on D3's] epic and unique dungeons. {{blz}} 1 July, 2009. [ Bashiok on LAN support], Hammers of the Ancients, and Blizzard's Blizzcon T-shirts. {{com}} 1 July, 2009 wraps up their massive, four-part '''Diablo 3: The First Year in Review''' article series. [ Part One], [ Part Two], [ Three], and [ Part Four].
==June 2009==