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128 bytes added, 19:00, 3 September 2009
== Booo! Hi == So anyways, hi. Been here for a while, but forgot to check back in I lurk around the past.. month or so. <br />I know quite a lot of wikis, so there's no need explaining all that to me :)<br />I'll be lurking about, reading through wiki (most, if not every, change in the notably [[special:recentchanges|RC]]), correcting typos as I go, making sure cats don't explode and other similar day-to-day tasks. <br />If you ever need help with somethinganything, don't hesitate to ask, I'll do my best to answer correctly . <br />Alternatively, bug [[User:D Leord|Leord]] with it. <br /><br />
Plain text is plain, though... Maybe I'll make it prettier once D III is released<br />
...Or maybe not.
== Bah Sand ==Annoyed by not-working-as-indended redirects such as [[Arcane Distortion/Skill]] , [[/Skill2]]<br />[http:< It won't go to the Arcane Distortion header//www.diablowiki. 16net/Special:20, 3 March 2009 (CET)Prefixindex?title=Special%3APrefixindex&from=User%3AVipermagi&namespace=0 My prefixindex].<br />
== Sand ==Keep-empty-list:*[[/SkillSpecial:Unusedcategories]], *[[Special:Unusedimages]] *[[Special:Unusedtemplates]] *[[Special:Wantedpages]] *[[Special:Wantedcategories]] *[[Special:BrokenRedirects]] *[[Special:Deadendpages]] *[[/Skill2Special:DoubleRedirects]]