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BlizzCon 2009: D3/WoW Press Q and A

334 bytes added, 11:26, 2 September 2009
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This [[BlizzCon 2009]] press-only Q&A was held in one of the media rooms at the Anaheim Convention Center on Saturday, August 22nd.
Transcript compiled from multiple sources. These are This transcript contains only the Diablo III, [[]], or general Blizzard questions. [[WoW]]-specific ones are not included on this page.
=Q&A Transcript=
 Transcripts and notes posted on, * []provided the most complete transcript.* [ Gamespot] and [ The Escapist] provided summaries.* provided a recording of the event (not posted publicly, since Jay Wilson wasn't using a microphone and the sound quality is very poor).
[[category:BlizzCon 2009]]
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