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29 bytes added, 11:18, 2 September 2009
BlizzCon D3 Panel Coverage
Coverage of the three Diablo 3 panels held at Blizzcon. Click to the panel pages in the wiki for full coverage, transcripts, and more.
'''=====Diablo 3 Heroes and Monsters Panel'''<br>=====
[[BlizzCon 2009 Panel: Diablo 3 Heroes and Monsters|Full panel coverage]] in the wiki.
* [ Video of the whole panel]
* [ Joystiq adds their coverage] of the panel.
'''=====Diablo 3 Art Panel'''=====
* ['s rough transcript] from live blogging.
* [ Bashiok offered a] quick summary in a forum post.
'''=====Diablo 3 Open Q&A'''<br>=====
This panel replaced the Diablo 3 Lore panel, and was held on Saturday afternoon. The whole panel was audience questions, and as usual at such events, the quality of the queries varied widely.
* [ Panel transcript].
'''=====Diablo 3/WoW Press-Only Q&A'''=====
Not an official D3 panel, but this hour long conference interview was for the press only, and was not streamed live. Summarized transcripts:
* [] provided the most complete transcript.
* [ Gamespot]* and [ The Escapist]provided summaries.
===August: Pre-Blizzcon===