This is The Barbarian works up a tier 1 skillraging state for battle, increasing ferocity, and its effectiveness is doubted when compared will to other skills of higher tiers. However, at lower levels this is all you get, and should be takenhurt. If it proves ineffective at higher levels, then resetting your skills is the correct thing He manages to hit where he can domost damage, becoming a nightmare for anyone approaching him in battle.
''Battle Rage'' was first seen in every Diablo 3 game demo to date, and was recently balanced, according to the latest [[BlizzCon 2008]] demo. At one point, this skill gave It originally increased damage by 100% increased damage and 30% increased critical chance, by 30% at rank 1 and belonged to . It was also placed in the [[Battlemaster Skill Tree]].<!--<gallery>Image:Diablo_III_Logo.jpg|Skill use 1</gallery>==Trivia==-->
no edit summary
'''Battle Rage''' is a tier Tier I [[skill]] in from the [[Barbarian]]'s [[Berserker Skill Tree]], which grants a substantial increase in damage and critical chance.
|school= Physical
|resource= Fury
|cost= 1 Fury Orb
|cast-time= None
|cooldown= None
|synergies= None
For the [[BlizzCon 2009]] version, the damage bonus and crit chances have been [[nerf]]ed heavily, to be more balance.
You can find pictures in the Diablo 3 screenshot and picture gallery. Sadly, no images of Battle Rage have been seen:
* [http://www.diii.net/gallery/ Diablo 3 screenshots and pictures]
* [http://www.diii.net/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=all&si=Battle+Rage Battle Rage-specific gallery contents]
Image:Diablo_III_Logo.jpg|Pic 1
Image:Diablo_III_Logo.jpg|Pic 2
Image:Diablo_III_Logo.jpg|Pic 3
* None[http://www.diii.net/blog/comments/full-barbarian-skill-trees-and-stats1/ Full Barbarian Skill Trees and Stats]