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Health Globe

411 bytes added, 09:37, 21 August 2009
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In the [[BlizzCon 2008]] build, the globes had changed slightly, getting some sort of ornamental graphic on the top and bottom, like a small golden crown.
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==Health Globes and Mana==
In the [[GamesCom 2009 demo]], it seems [[Mana Glob]]s have been disabled. At the end of one video, the [[Wizard]] regains regains a large amount of [[mana]] without stepping on any blue globes. This is because they now get mana as well as health from health globes if they have the appropriate skill.
In either way, it is highly unlikely that Blizzard will change Health Orbs significantly at this point.
* [[GamesCom 2009 demo]]
* [[Wizard Gameplay Blizzcon 2008]]