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User talk:Leord/2

7 bytes added, 09:33, 10 August 2009
:::::Cool. We'll we will have to update this as we move along. Could you make a short paragraph in the [[skill]]s article about the tier system? --[[User:Leord|Leord]] 15:27, 7 August 2009 (CEST)
::::::[[Skill#Earlier_Info]] has a link to [[Skill_tree]] which has info on Skill [[tier]]s.
::::::We could either split up Skill tree and Tier into two articles, or keep it on one page. I'm fine with either (leaning slightly towards one page; A lot of small pages tend to be harder to navigate). Pick your poison. --[[User:Vipermagi|Vipermagi]] 19:33, 7 August 2009 (CEST)
==Skill / Skill tree / Tier==
[[Skill#Earlier_Info]] has a link to [[Skill_tree]] which has info on Skill [[tier]]s.
We could either split up Skill tree and Tier into two articles, or keep it on one page. I'm fine with either (leaning slightly towards one page; A lot of small pages tend to be harder to navigate). Pick your poison. --[[User:Vipermagi|Vipermagi]] 19:::::33, 7 August 2009 (CEST)  :I was almost thinking we should include all pages to one, like [[skill]]s and [[skill tree]]s really are very closely related. either that, or a lot more interlinking and some sort of navigation. That page would be pretty long though...:::::::If we just try to summarize the quotes a bit (since wikipedia and other wikis don't really quote much anyway), it would make the article a lot shorter... What are your thoughts? As it is now, it's definitely a little bit too confusing. --[[User:Leord|Leord]] 11:32, 10 August 2009 (CEST)