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User talk:Leord/1

319 bytes added, 17:24, 6 August 2009
Synnargeez: hmmmm
::::Absolutely awesome. As we finalize these, we'll start making more wiki updates on the front of as well. We took a big hit for the downtime, no time to spare to get it back! --[[User:Leord|Leord]] 14:04, 6 August 2009 (CEST)
=== Synnargeez ===
[[Conjured_Health#Synergies]]. CH synergizes with Mirror Image, not the other way around; I figured that header would be for skills that synergize with the skill you're looking at? Makes more sense to me. What's your thoughts on this case? --[[User:Vipermagi|Vipermagi]] 19:24, 6 August 2009 (CEST)