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Magic Missile

675 bytes removed, 14:14, 6 July 2009
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==Magic Missile==
[[Image:Wiz-magic-missile1.jpg|thumb|300px|Magic missiles impact.]]
* Active Skill
* '''Description:''' Fire 1 missile(s) of energy at your enemies causing 7-13 arcane damage to them. Critical hits from arcane damage silence targets for 4 secs.
*'''Rank:''' 0/1
*'''Mana cost:''' 8
==Spell Base Effects/Costs==
{| {{table}}
| align="center" |'''Skill Level'''
| align="center" |'''1'''
| '''Mana Cost'''||8
| '''Arcane Damage'''||7-13
| '''Silence Duration'''||4 sec
| '''Number of Missile(s)'''||1
{| {{table}}
| align="right" |'''[[Arcane Damage]]'''
| align="left" |Increases arcane damage by a percentage
| align="right" |'''[[Efficient Magics]]'''
| align="left" |Reduces mana cost
| align="right" |'''[[Penetrating Spells]]'''
| align="left" |Reduces enemy
| align="right" |'''[[Arcane Weakness]]'''
| align="left" |Causes victims of you spell to take additional damamge from arcane spells for a time
| align="right" |'''[[Arcane Speed]]'''
| align="left" |Reduces cool down of this skill
| align="right" |'''[[Arcane Distortion]]'''
| align="left" |Causes victems of you spell to be slowed for a time
| align="right" |'''[[Improved Magic Missile]]'''
| align="left" |Increases the number of missiles per cast, and the damage per missile
| align="right" |'''[[Mana Burst]]'''
| align="left" |Increases the damage, if mana is full before the cast.
==Skill [[Rune]] Effects==
The [[Hydra rune]] increases the number of missiles fired with each use of the skill.
[[category:wizard skills]]
'''Magic Missile''' is a Tier 1 [[skill]] from the [[Wizard]]'s [[Arcane skill tree]], invoking a bolt of arcane magic thrown against an opponent.
==Skill Rank Table==
''Put a table of the skill rank and damage/mana/fury per Only one rankis currently known.''
''List and explain other skill's synergies, as well as any items or mechanics that might be particularly popular with this skill.''
==Spell Base Effects/Costs=={|| align="center" |'''Skill Level'''| align="center" |'''1'''|-| '''Mana Cost'''||8|-| '''Arcane Damage'''||7-13|-| '''Silence Duration''This does not have '||4 sec|-| '''Number of Missile(s)'''||1|}  ==[[Synergies]]=={|| align="right" |'''[[Arcane Damage]]'''| align="left" |Increases arcane damage by a percentage|-| align="right" |'''[[Efficient Magics]]'''| align="left" |Reduces mana cost|-| align="right" |'''[[Penetrating Spells]]'''| align="left" |Reduces enemy|-| align="right" |'''[[Arcane Weakness]]'''| align="left" |Causes victims of you spell to take additional damamge from arcane spells for a time|-| align="right" |'''[[Arcane Speed]]'''| align="left" |Reduces cool down of this skill|-| align="right" |'''[[Arcane Distortion]]'''| align="left" |Causes victems of you spell to mean be slowed for a time|-| align="right" |'''[[Improved Magic Missile]]'''| align="synergiesleft" like in Diablo II|Increases the number of missiles per cast, but just other skillsand the damage per missile|-| align="right" |'''[[Mana Burst]]'''| align="left" |Increases the damage, items and mechanics that works in synergy if mana is full before the cast.|}  ==[[Rune|Skill Rune]] Effects==* [[Hydra rune]] increases the number of missiles fired with this each use of the skill.'' 
''Mention when the skill Magic Missile was revealed, and any other changes that has been made to first shown at [[BlizzCon 2008]] in Anaheim as one of the skill during development. Any general changes to first skills concerning all for the [[classWizard]]es you can add . It was designed as a base level ranged skill, and is still assumed to be part of the repertoire as of 6th July 2009. This was the only information originally available about the [[skill]]:* Active Skill* '''Description:''' Fire 1 missile(s article) of energy at your enemies causing 7-13 arcane damage to them.Critical hits from arcane damage silence targets for 4 secs.*'''Rank:''' 0/1*'''Mana cost:'''8
''Hide this section unless there really In Diablo III, Blizzard seems to have gone back to games like Dungeons & Dragons for inspiration. A spell called Magic Missile is some trivia about a staple low-mid level seeking magic bolt in the classtraditional pen & paper RPG. Add The Magic Missile also increases number of missiles, as does the skill to the [[:Category:Trivia]] category as well if you add info hereoriginal.''
''Use this as-is, but replace appropriate text. Just change "Magic Missile" to the class name below to update the gallery links. If the class has no images in gallery, just hide this entire section.''
You can find pictures in the Diablo 3 screenshot and picture gallery:
* [ Diablo 3 screenshots and pictures]
Image:Diablo_III_LogoWiz-magic-missile1.jpg|Skill use 1Image:Diablo_III_Logo.jpg|Skill use 2Image:Diablo_III_Logo.jpg|Skill use 2Image:Diablo_III_Logo.jpg|Skill use 3Magic Missile cast by female [[Wizard]]
==Related Articles==
''Articles that are related, but not emphasised enough in any other section, or articles that just need further attention.''
''Link to the * [[Abd al-Hazir]] entry here, andhttp://or other sources used to write the articlewww.diii.''* [[Writings of Abd alnet/blog/comments/wizard-Hazir: Entry no. 0007|Writings of Abd algameplay-Hazir: Entry no. 0007: report/P2/ Wizard]gameplay report]