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No change in size, 13:17, 3 July 2009
May 2009
==May 2009==
{{com}} May 30, 2009. [ Defensive Skills] are never as useful as offensive skills. Can this be fixed in Diablo 3?
{{blz}} May 28, 2009. [ Bashiok] on bald Fallen.
{{Com}} May 27, 2009: [ Diablo PVP: The Past, Present, and Future] Discussion of PvP implementation in past Diablo titles going towards D3.
{{oth}}May 25, 2009: [ Blizzard calls for] questions on the future of Diablo II.
{{blz}} May 25, 2009: [ Bashiok on] Fallen and monster animations.
{{pre}} May 23, 2009. [ Fallen Ones bestiary page] added to the official site. With [ bonus screenshots] and concept art.
{{blz}} May 22, 2009. [ Bashiok on Item Colors and Blizzcon Tickets].
==April 2009==
[[Image:Archivist.jpg|thumb|250px|The [[Archivist]]!]]