Category:Featured templates
List of templates used in the Featured article section of the Main Page. Updated list in Featured article page with latest featured article.
Pages in category "Featured templates"
The following 28 pages are in this category, out of 28 total.
- Template:Featured:A Quick Study
- Template:Featured:Armor Dyes
- Template:Featured:Artisan
- Template:Featured:Book
- Template:Featured:Burning Tower
- Template:Featured:console
- Template:Featured:Cursed Captives
- Template:Featured:Diablo
- Template:Featured:Diablo 3
- Template:Featured:Diablo 3 Basics
- Template:Featured:Diablo 3 Beta
- Template:Featured:escape skills
- Template:Featured:Fallen Queen
- Template:Featured:Fan creation
- Template:Featured:gamescom 2013
- Template:Featured:Haunted
- Template:Featured:Help
- Template:Featured:Infernal Machine
- Template:Featured:Mephisto
- Template:Featured:Monk
- Template:Featured:patch 2.1
- Template:Featured:patch 2.2.0
- Template:Featured:Quest
- Template:Featured:reaper of souls
- Template:Featured:Rune
- Template:Featured:Runestones
- Template:Featured:Tyrael
- Template:Featured:Wizard skills