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User:Leord/Witch Doctor

335 bytes removed, 16:04, 10 June 2009
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::We wanted to create a class whose pets were not his primary source of damage output. [..] Most Necromancer builds are very pet heavy. The pets do a lot of the damage, and a lot of mechanics are built around debuffing the enemy so your pets can be better against them or taking advantage of the bodies your pets create by blowing them up with corpse explosion.
::The Witch Doctor's pets are more of a distraction -- they're his form of [[crowd control]]. They're very transient, they don't matter as much to him, and they aren't really a primary source of damage[... ] We wanted to have this general notion of a character who controlled all things slimy and gross, like zombies, bats, snakes, and spiders, but he didn't rely on them -- he just throws them out there. One of his most permanent pets is his Zombie Dogs, and we have a spell to blow them up because they're just not that important to him[.. We consider Zombie Wall to almost be a pet as well; it's a short-term pet, but it's a pet nonetheless. ] Each element is like that, where it's another distraction while the source of primary damage is the Witch Doctor himself. This makes him play very differently than the Necromancer, which was intentional.