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712 bytes removed, 17:59, 14 March 2015
Redirected page to Diablo 3 vanilla
* D3C = Diablo 3 Classic.* D3V = Diablo 3 Vanilla.  Both acronyms refer to the basic version of the game, though this is a moving target with numerous major content patches responsible for major changes to the game over 2012 and 2013.  The terminology is a common one for video games that have seen one or more expansion packs. Diablo 2 is often referred to as D2C and the expansion pack is dubbed #redirect [[D2X]]. Diablo 2 was not commonly called "Diablo 2 Vanilla" though the initial release of [[World of Warcraft]] is often known as "WoW 3 vanilla" to refer to the basic, plain version of the game. * See also [[Diablo 3 Expansion]], [[D3X]], and [[D3Y]].* See more [[Reference]] terms. [[category:reference]][[category:Diablo 3 Expansion]]