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Armored Destroyer

61 bytes added, 00:07, 19 September 2014
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*Appears in Act III - [[The Foundry]] (1)
*Appears in Act IV - [[Gardens of Hope1st Tier]], [[The Silver Spire Level 2]] (1)
*Drops from the sky. A fiery spot on the ground gives notice of where that will be.
*Physical melee attack
*[[Frenzy]], an accelerated version of his normal attack, indicated by red slice marks through the air.
<mob acr="217678">Armored Destroyer</mob>
*Appears in Act IV - [[The Great Span]]
*Appears in Act V - [[Occupied Ruins]]
*Drops from the sky. A fiery spot on the ground gives notice of where that will be.
*Physical melee attack. Can knockback further than the Armored Destroyer.