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25 bytes added, 16:11, 9 September 2014
no edit summary
* [[Accursed Hellion]] (only when [[Pontius]] appears)
* [[Death Maiden]] (can appear as [[Champion]] and [[Rare]])
* [[Exorcist (monster)|Exorcist]] (can appear as [[Rare]] [[minionsMinions]])
* [[Ghostly Mason]] (appears in the context of the [[The Angered Dead]] event)
* [[Punisher]]
* [[Revenant Archer]] (can appear as [[Rare]] and [[Rare]] [[Minions]])
* [[Revenant Shield Guard]] (can appear as [[Champion]] and [[Rare]])
* [[Revenant Soldier]] (can appear as [[Champion]], [[Rare]], and [[Rare]] [[minionsMinions]])* [[Shadow of Death]] (can appear as [[Rare]] [[minionsMinions]])
* [[Shade of Malthael]]
* [[Shadow Swordwielder]] (appears in the context of the [[The Angered Dead]] event)
* [[Skeletal Archer]] (only appears as [[Champion]])
* [[Summoned Archer]]
* [[Summoned Shield Guard]] (can appear as [[Rare]] [[minionsMinions]])
* [[Summoned Soldier]]
* [[Summoner of the Dead]]