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Fanmade talk:Behind the Fiery Runes

371 bytes added, 22:51, 15 February 2009
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Part one of Phase two has been completed. Part two will be about the nameplates when i get more time to update the info on them and how i thought about these. Unless Leo you think i should make a new subsection [[Fanart:Fiery Runes Nameplates]] I'm all for it, otherwise ill just add it to the page here.--[[User:Holyknight3000|holyknight3000]] 03:08, 15 February 2009 (CET)
*Part Two
Today ive gone and started work on the nameplate section. Going to be adding the nameplate images soon, and finishing up the page with the sketches section. I'm going to most likely remove it from the stub section after that point. Seeing as the page will be pretty much finished then.--[[User:Holyknight3000|holyknight3000]] 23:51, 15 February 2009 (CET)