no edit summary
The objective of the '''{{PAGENAME}}''' event is to slay the reanimated corpses and subsequently [[Charok]]. This event takes place in the [[Sorcerer's Room]] in the [[Westmarch Commons]] in [[Act V]].
[[File:Sorcerer's Room (Sorcerer portait).jpg|thumb|right|800px|The Sorcerer (v2.0.6)]]
[[File:Sorcerer's Room (Sorcerer talking).jpg|thumb|none|800px|The Sorcerer trying to rescue souls from piled corpses (v2.0.6)]]
[[File:Sorcerer's Room (a pack of Ravenous Feeders).jpg|thumb|none|800px|The spell did not work so well: rather than souls, the Sorcerer reanimated Ravenous Feeders. He's obviously distressed about this. Fortunately, the Nephalem will set things straigth straight (v2.0.6)]]