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1,304 bytes added, 19:28, 1 June 2014
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#redirect Off Hand items in Diablo 3 are equipped in the second hand slot, where some classes can equip a second weapon instead of the off-hand items. Off hand items can be offensive or defensive, and many of them are class-restricted. Off hand slot options: * [[Shields]]: Any class, though mostly Crusaders, with occasional Monks and Barbarians.** [[Shields]]* [[Crusader Shields]]: Crusader only.** [[Legendary Crusader Shields]]* [[Quivers]]: Demon Hunter only.** [[Legendary Quivers]]* [[Mojos]]: Witch Doctor only.** [[Legendary Mojos]]* [[Sources]]: Wizard only.** [[Legendary Sources]]* Second weapon: Monks and Barbarians (melee one-handed only.)* Second [[hand crossbow]]: Demon Hunters only.** [[Legendary Hand Crossbows]] There are a variety of legendary and some set items in the off-hand slot, including all the class-restricted options.  Dual wielding weapons grants an automatic bonus to attack speed, plus the full stats of both weapons, making it a tempting option for the classes that can dual wield. Dual wielding is much more popular than using a two-handed weapon, and is the choice made by most Monks and Barbarians in Reaper of Souls.   [[category:Items]][[category:Off-Hand]][[category:Quivers]][[category:Mojos]][[category:Sources]][[category:Basics]]  {{Template:Items navbox|armor2}}