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Critical hit chance

18 bytes added, 15:24, 29 May 2014
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[[Critical hit chance]] (abbreviated as CC or ChC) is one of the most powerful and popular item modifiers in the game. New/naked characters deal 5% Critical hit Chance and 50% [[Critical hit Damage]], and raising these figures considerably is one of the best ways to improve a character's DPS. Items and skills that grand Critical hit Chance increase a character's chance to score a [[critical hit]], which causes an attack to deal bonus damage. Not only does this greatly increase the damage output, but many [[procs]] trigger off Critical Hits, making a substantial value in this stat essential for many of the more popular [[build]]s in the game.
[[File:Critical-hit-display.jpg|frame|Critical Hit Chance and Damage are displayed atop the [[Character window]].]]
Brand new characters of any class deal 5% critical hit chance at 50% [[critical hit damage]]. This figure can be raised by various skills and items, and boosting these values is one of the best ways to improve a character's damage in Diablo 3. High level characters Characters geared for success in Diablo 3 generally have the [[end game]] look for at least 2530% CCChC, and figures over well-geared characters generally exceed 40-50% or . Much higher values are not uncommon with good gearpossible.
[[Critical hit damage]] increases with gear and skills as well, and high end characters generally have 400-600% CD.  A balance should be sought between the figures; high CD without much CC is a wasted opportunity, as is very high CC with little CD (though high CC can be useful simply to keep the [[procs]] clicking, aside from dealing damage.) The basic guideline is 40% / 400%, though well-geared characters usually exceed 500% CD.
A number of legendary items of the above types have some inherent value of CC that will always appear on that item. Such items can '''not''' roll additional CC from their random modifiers, so the values will never [[stack]] higher than the above figures.
Paragon Points can also be spent to add additional critical hit chance, at the rate of .1% per point, for a maximum of 5% from 50 points.
The classes vary widely in the amount of Critical hit Chance they can add with skills. For instance, Barbarians can easily add 5% from [[Ruthless]] and 15% from [[Weapons Master]], while [[Monk]]s don't have any CC boosting skills at all.
The amount of CC required to succeed varies with character classes and builds, but 2540%/400% is a low figure good guideline for a high level characternew players to aspire to. Most players try for 40% or more in their end game gear, and totals over 50% are not uncommon for very wellWell-geared characterswill generally exceed those values, and should add in as much [[elemental damage]] as possible, to increase damage output exponentially.
As of January 9, 2013, the highest CC figures for skills + equipment (verified by []) were: