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65 bytes added, 23:57, 25 January 2009
Diablo III Monster
Ghouls might be undead, but are nothing like slow shambling zombies; the Ghouls are fast and uncanny, running hunched over in a bestial, almost quadrupedal style. They climb quickly and leap out at the player from all angles, scaling a huge wall to get into the action in the WWI 2008 gameplay movie. Ghouls generally fight with a cruel jagged sword that looks like fangs.
The primary advice to stay alive against Ghouls seems to just be avoid being swarmed from all directions, and use skills like the [[Barbarian]] Berserker skill [[Leap Attack]] or the [[Wizard]] spell Arcane [[Teleport]] (preferably with a [[Striking Rune]])or the [[Witch Doctor]] spells [[Horrify]] or [[Mass Confusion]].
List any "character" monster, such as King Leoric for skeletons and the Butcher for Overlords.