→The Dark Wanderer
===The Dark Wanderer===
Some time after the release of [[Diablo]] and his travels to the East in the guise of the [[Dark Wanderer]], Diablo and/or [[Mephisto]] regained some control of Hell again, as the [[Lesser Evils]] of [[Andariel]] and [[Duriel]] once again stood by the [[Prime Evils]]. Possibly as punishment, They were told to guard the locations they were just placed as guards against the passage Eastassigned to, likely to delay the human heroes from capturing Diablo. Exactly what went on here is not knownhero.
The Dark Wanderer did indeed turn East, but at this point was corrupted beyond saving as Diablo. Before leaving tristram, it appears that he was with adria long enough to free his brothersbirth a daughter, Leah, not defeat Diablowho was important in the future. The demonic decoys did indeed slow down the heroes, and with the help of his companion [[Marius]], the Dark Wanderer managed to free [[Baal]] from his prison in the [[Tomb of Tal Rasha]] despite [[Tyrael]] physically intervening. Tyrael assigned Marius the task of destroying the soulstone, the result of which will be explained later.
The heroes arrived too lateto stop the freeing of Baal, but managed to free Tyrael, which was bound to the [[Binding Stone]] in place of Baal. More to come...
==Known Hell Locations==