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492 bytes added, 04:40, 31 October 2013
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Like the other [[Artisans]], the Mystic can be leveled up ten times, and her wagon changes graphics with each level.  Below you can see the area she will occupy in the [[Hidden Camp]] in [[Act II]], before she joins your [[Caravan]] and the 10 levels of upgrades she goes through as you train her.
File:Wagon-01.jpg|Before arrival
File:Wagon-02.jpg|Level 1
File:Wagon-03.jpg|Level 2
File:Wagon-04.jpg|Level 3
File:Wagon-05.jpg|Level 4
File:Wagon-06.jpg|Level 5
File:Wagon-07.jpg|Level 6
File:Wagon-08.jpg|Level 7
File:Wagon-09.jpg|Level 8
File:Wagon-10.jpg|Level 9
File:Wagon-11.jpg|Level 10