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Diablo III Console Patch 1.0.2

12 bytes added, 00:49, 3 October 2013
Gameplay Fixes
* Hardcore characters in the process of taking fatal damage while exiting the Scorched Chapel will no longer be permanently killed.
* Followers can no longer permanently lose all items after migrating from one game host to another.
* The following four item sets will no longer repeatedly and permanently add core stat bonuses each time the player logs out of the game: [[Blackthorne's Armor]], [[Endless Path]], [[Zunimassa's Whispers]], and [[Guardian's Contingency]]. (This fix will also retroactively correct inflated core stat bonuses on heroes affected by this bug prior to our hotfix going live.)
* Equipping a quiver with a two-handed bow will no longer cause Quick Compare to incorrectly reflect a loss in damage.
* Square gems should now only drop in Hell difficulty, which is also where the required items to combine them drop.