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Gold Find

7,569 bytes added, 14:28, 9 July 2013
Created page with "Gold Find (GF) is a property possessed by all characters, which modifies the amount of gold dropped by monsters, chests, and other in-game objects. Due to Diablo 3's randomize..."
Gold Find (GF) is a property possessed by all characters, which modifies the amount of gold dropped by monsters, chests, and other in-game objects. Due to Diablo 3's randomized loot system, the Gold Find bonus may not be evident in every gold drop, but the total amount of gold dropped will increase by roughly the amount of Gold Find your character possesses.

Gold Find does not affect the amount of gold rewarded by [[Quests]], and it does not affect NPC buy/sell prices, or Auction House prices.

Like [[Magic Find]] (MF), Gold Find is capped at a maximum value of 300% from items and [[Paragon]] levels (post [[Patch 1.0.4]]). The 300% hard cap can be exceeded by adding bonuses from [[Nephalem Valor]], [[Monster Power]], the [[Fortune Shrine]], and other players in [[Multiplayer]] games, for a maximum possible value of 680% Gold Find (as of [[Patch 1.9.8]]).

==Maximum Gold Find Values==

Gold Find is capped at 300% from Items and Paragon Level bonuses. Other game features can add to this total, allowing a considerably higher total Gold Find amount.

* 300% hard cap (Equipment + skills + Paragon)
* The [[Fortune Shrine]]: +25 to Gold Find and Magic Find. ([[Patch 1.0.7]] enabled this bonus to exceed the 300% gear hard cap.)
* [[Nephalem Valor]]: 15% GF/MF per stack, up to 75% from 5 stacks.
* [[Monster Power]]: +25% per MP level, up to 250% on MP10 in [[Inferno]]. (The bonus is 10% GF per MP level on Normal, Nightmare, and Hell, for a maximum of +100%.)
* [[Multiplayer]] game bonuses: +10% to GF and MF per character, up to +30% in a four player game.
** Total: 300 + 25 + 75 + 250 + 30 = 680% maximum Gold Find.

==Gold Find Equipment Bonuses==

The maximum bonus to Gold Find from equipment + Paragon levels is 300%, so while values much in excess of 300% are possible, they do not add any benefit. As with Magic Find, characters may want to load up at lower Paragon levels, and then gradually switch out the +GF gear as they gain in Paragon Levels and their bonuses become redundant.

Many popular Legendary items offer Gold Find and/or Magic Find bonuses, but in only one case ([[Goldskin]]) do these exceed the highest possible value of a random GF or MF affix on that item type. Virtually all Legendary items can get GF or MF as a random affix, but these will never occur (and stack) on an item with an inherent bonus to that stat.

* 50% Amulet
* 25% Ring
* 25% Ring
** 65% from both rings is possible with both rings in the [[Legacy of the Wicked Dreams]] set, since there is a +15% MF/GF set bonus.
* 53% Helm (20% + 33% Marquise [[Emerald]] in socket)
* 25% Shoulders
* 100% Chest (Goldskin) (25% is the maximum on other chest armors)
* 25% Belt ([[Blackthorne's Notched Belt]] is 21-25% GF)
* 25% Boots
* 25% Bracers
* 25% Gloves
* 25% Pants ([[Depth Diggers]]) ([ db]) are 21-25% GF.
** 468% maximum for all classes (as of [[Patch 1.0.8]].

Weapon bonuses vary by class. Gold Find is never a random bonus on a weapon.
* 45% from [[The Grand Vizier]] ([ db]), two-handed staff, [[Monk]], [[Wizard]], [[Witch Doctor]] only. (Not [[Demon Hunter]] or [[Barbarian]].)
* 10% Wirt’s Original Leg [[ db]), all classes.

Off-Hand item bonus:
* 25% shield/orb/mojo/quiver (Off-hand weapons can not be equipped with The Grand Vizier.)

Skill Bonuses:
* 10% [[Ferret Companion]], Demon Hunter only.

Highest character bonuses:
* 513% Maximum, Monk, Wizard, Witch Doctor. (Via [[The Grand Vizier]].
* 513% Maximum, Demon Hunter. (Wirt's Leg + quiver or shield + Ferret Companion.
* 503% Maximum, Barbarian. (Wirt's Leg + shield).

All these figure could be increased by up to 300% from Paragon 100, for a maximum raw value of 813%. This is purely for the sake of curiosity, since the items + paragon value is capped at 300%.

===Follower Gold Find===

Followers grant a character 1/5 of the value of their Magic Find and Gold Find, up to a maximum bonus of 30%, which adds to a character's Gold Find, plus the Paragon level bonus, and caps at 300%. Any value over 150% on a Follower is wasted, though none of the followers can achieve that higher a value as of [[Patch 1.0.8]].

* 50% Amulet
* 25% Ring
* 25% Ring. (Followers can not receive set bonuses, so [[The Legacy of Wicked Dreams]] +15% bonus is irrelevant.)
* 25% Shield (Templar only)
* 45% Weapon. [[The Grand Vizier]] (Enchantress only.)
** 10% weapon (Wirt's original leg). The [[Sunkeeper]] ([ db]) only boosts MF, not GF.)

Follower Maximum Gold Find:
* [[Scoundrel]]: 100% (no shield or one-handed weapon)
* [[Templar]]: 135% (Wirt's Leg + shield)
* [[Enchantress]]: 145%

==Gold Find Strategy Tips==

Though most players value Magic Find far above Gold Find, GF does make a substantial difference over time, especially for players who do not utilize the [[Auction House]] much or at all. In a way Gold Find can be seen as more valuable, since while adding Magic Find increases the odds of a "better" item dropping, it's never guaranteed. A player with 0% Magic Find might find a better item than one with 500%.

The same is not true of Gold Find, since higher values in this stat will always provide an average of more gold per stack. Thus Gold Find is a guaranteed boost to income, while Magic Find may (or may not) pay off.

There's no minimum or ideal value of Gold Find; more is always better, but most players get a psychological satisfaction out of Gold Find at 300% or higher, as stacks of 2500-3000 begin to drop regularly from [[Inferno]] monsters. Gold stacks of that size "feel" more valuable and worth picking up. (Though this obviously depends on a player's relative wealth; a player with 1 million gold is going to value gold stacks more highly than another player with 2 billion in wealth.)

===Emerald Bonuses==

Emeralds boost Gold Find when socketed in helms, with numerically identical bonuses to those provided to Magic Find by Topaz. This is often complained about by fans, who point out that virtually no one uses an Emerald in their helm, given the much more useful bonuses from other gems. (Even Topaz are seldom used, with most players preferring [[Rubies]] for +%experience or Amethysts for +%Life.)

As a result, it's often suggested that Emeralds should add some other bonus in addition to Gold Find, or at least a much larger bonus, double, triple, or quadruple the current number, and perhaps allow that figure to exceed the 300% gear cap.

==Guaranteed Stack Size?==

Though Gold Find will definitely increase maximum gold stack size, it does not not guarantee any minimum stack. The average total amount of gold dropped is X% greater, but there is so much variance in each individual gold drop that players need to chart the total amount picked up and not just remember a few specific stack sizes to get a balanced view of the bonus.

A humorous note is that even characters with 300% or more Gold Find can still get gold drops of just 1 or 2 coins, which would seem impossible as even 100% Gold Find should double a 1 gold drop up to 2 gold. 1 Gold drops are always possible since gold drops in Diablo 3 are decimals, which can be rounded up or down to the nearest integer. Thus a gold drop that would have been .2 with no Gold Find would increase to .8 with 300% gold find, which the game would round up to 1 gold.

[[category:Magic Find]]