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124 bytes added, 13:00, 6 March 2013
* '''SNS''' - "Shock-Nado-Shards." Better known as the "CM" ([[Critical Mass]]) Wizard [[build]], it uses [[Storm Armor]]:[[Shocking Aspect]] + [[Energy Twister]] + [[Diamond Skin]]:[[Diamond Shards]] as the three main spammed attack skills.
* '''ST''' - [[Slow Time]], a Wizard skill.
* '''[[Stack]]''' - Term refers to adding multiple bonuses of the same type, most often the 5 levels of [[Nephalem Valor]].
* '''STI''' - [[Seize the Initiative]], a Monk passive skill.
* '''STR''' - [[Strength]], one of the four attributes and the [[Barbarian]]'s [[mainstat]].