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192 bytes added, 16:04, 11 July 2012
Boss Abilities
His abilities are listed below:
* '''Melee Attack''' - Unlike other bosses, Izual's melee attack is quite painful. Like in D2, it is imbued with cold damage, that will slow the movement and attack speed of the victim. This His melee attack does high medium damage, although Izual is slow to swing with his large mace. Prior to [[Patch 1.0.3]], Izual hit much harder, and his attacks were imbued with cold damage.
* '''Frost NovaExplosion''' - Izual, after reaching half health, will begin intermittently casting a frost nova which has no graphic attached, to freeze the hero and his or her allies, including Tyrael. The nova has a very large range. During the freeze period, Izual will often summon help or attack the hero. This ability cannot be avoided, outside of being at least a screen away from Izual when he casts it, which is exceedingly difficult to do as the arena size is not very large. Izual will preface this attack by shouting ''The cold hand of death reaches out for you, hero!''Damage the player takes will break the freeze effect.
* '''Charge''' - Izual will charge the player, closing distance to get into melee range. * '''Frozen ModifierBombs''' - Izual has the [[frozen]] [[boss modifier]] where occasionally small spheres of ice will explode, randomly placed around the arena, and freeze the hero. This attack is passive, but becomes quite dangerous when coupled with Izual's melee [[snare]]. Izual will place eight frozen bombs near the player, which explode faster than the normal boss modifier version.
* '''Summon Minions''' - Izual will on occassion summon minions to aid him. They can be [[Oppressor]]s, [[Corrupted Angel]]s, or [[Tongue Lasher]]s. They are the only source of external health regeneration outside of [[potions]], as they drop [[health globes]]. Tyrael will also summon angels to aid the hero and battle Izual's minions, but the angels are highly outclassed. The minions, particularly the oppressors, are able to box in the hero and trap them with their bodies, making them succeptible to the frozen explosions that randomly occur around the arena.