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Gibbering Gemstone

1 byte removed, 02:50, 19 May 2012
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This is a reagent for the [[Staff of Herding]]
This item is by '''FAR''' the hardest to obtain out of the five items. It can be found the the Cavers of Frost in The Fields of Slaughter located in Act III. Within the Fields of Slaughter there is a cave that spawn somewhere around the top, left and bottom of the map. This cave can either be called Icefall Cavers of Caves or the Caverns of Frost. You are looking for the latter.
Once you have located the Caverns of Frost there is an elite that glows yellow and has a Purple name called [[Chiltara]]. She is one of many rare monsters that can spawn in the cave. Many people say they have found her on level 2 but it may be possible that she can spawn anywhere within the Caverns of Frost.