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Off hand

65 bytes removed, 22:39, 29 January 2012
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[[File:Paper-doll-annotatedOffhand.jpg|left|thumb|250px|Annotated Off-hand on the [[paper doll]].]]The off hand, or off-hand, or offhand, is the second weapon slot all characters have access to in Diablo III3. It's where the "left weapon" goes when a character is dual-wielding.
While only the The [[Barbarian]], [[Demon Hunter]] and [[Monk]] can dual-wield weapons, and the Monk is limited to doing so with two [[fist]] weapons, all characters can hold some other objects in this slot.
Shields are held in the off hand, in many cases. The [[Wizard]] can hold an [[orb]] in that hand, teaming it with a [[wand]] or a [[dagger]]. It's not known if and the [[Witch Doctor]] will have any off-hand options other than shieldscan hold a [[Mojo]].
None of the characters in Diablo III 3 can use two-handed weapons with one hand, so whenever anyone is equipped with one, they do not have the option of an off-hand weapon.