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55 bytes added, 18:35, 8 January 2012
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'''Archery''' is a [[Demon Hunter passive]] skill unlocked at [[clvl|Level]] 20, which grants bonuses to attacks made by bows or crossbows(bonuses are based on the weapon type of your main hand).
Gain bonuses based on weapon held:<br>[[Bow]]: {{c_limec_slate|+10%}} increased damage<br>Bonus ''"Feel the weight of the crossbow in your hand. Now... the wind, the distance, the target's speed. Good. Now try it with [[crossbows]]: {{c_lime|+100%}} critical damage<br>Bonus with [[hand xbows]]: {{c_lime|+5%blood in your eyes and a demon at your throat."'' — Greyscarr, Veteran Demon Hunter}} chance to critical hit
===Level===Unlocked at [[clvl|Level]] 20.{{Demon Hunter Passive Archery}}