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Chest Armor

321 bytes added, 12:48, 15 October 2011
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** In Diablo III the 18 types of [[gear set]] mark a progression throughout the entire game, with the highest levels (by item level and quality) only found late in Hell difficulty.
** This means that high level characters will likely have some uniformity of appearance, at least in terms of all wearing (or aspiring to wear) what looks to be "heavy" armor.
==Chest Armor==
{{Cloth Tunic}}
{{Leather Doublet}}
{{Brigandine Coat}}
{{Chain Mail}}
{{Splint Cuirass}}
{{Plate Mail}}
{{Stygian Harness}}
{{Etched Jacket}}
{{Jazeraint Mail}}
{{Battle Armor}}
{{Boneweave Hauberk}}
{{Balor Armor}}
{{Astral Mail}}
{{Warlord Plate}}
{{Doom Armor}}
{{Sovereign Mail}}
{{Archon Armor}}