→Storm Tree
*'''Rank:''' 0/1
*'''Mana cost''' 8
When tested in the BlizzCon 2008 build, the bolts seemed to come out with a wider spread than they do in Diablo II. They were useful to hit monsters to the sides as well as straight ahead, but were not as good to land multiple hits to a target straight ahead, either very close or a few yards distant.
''Increases the critical hit chance of all lightning spells by 10%. Critical hits from lightning damage stun targets for 2 sec.''
*'''Rank:''' 0/15
The spells did not display their [[Critical Hit]] % chance in the BlizzCon build, but it's assumed that they will in the final game. It's also a good bet that there will be items that boost critical chance from skills, as part of the D3 effort to provide a variety of valuable mods on weapons for non-combat characters.
====Empowered Magic====
''Increases the effect of willpower on your spell damage by 20%.''
*'''Rank:''' 0/15
====Lightning Speed====
''Increases casting speed by 3%''
*'''Rank:''' 0/15
It's not clear if this skill increases the casting speed for all spells cast by the Wizard, or just ones from this tree. From the wording, it sounds like it affects all of the character's spells. Nothing is yet known about spell casting speed boosts from items, but presumably they will be uncommon, or else this skill would be much less valuable.
===Tier II Skills===
Tier 2 skills do not require any amount of points to be spent in the tree to enable them. (There were rumors that 5 points were required, but that was not the case in the BlizzCon build.
====Storm Armor====
''Surround yourself in electrical energy. Electrical bolts are automatically fired at attackers for 1 to 8 damage. ''
*'''Rank:''' 0/1
*'''Mana cost:''' 15
This skill does not seem to offer any protection; just a sort of passive offensive attack. It's not known how long it persists for, or how much the damage will scale up.
====Frost Nova====
*'''Cooldown:''' 12 seconds
====Deep Freeze====
''Increases the critical hit chance of all cold spells by 5%. Critical hits from cold damage freeze targets.''
*'''Rank:''' 0/15
Rather than giving the Wizard a Glacial Spike-like instant freeze spell, the D3 team seems to be granting that possibility with critical hits on a variety of non-freezing cold spells.
====Power Armor====
''Increases the damage dealt by your storm armor charged bolts by 10%.''
*'''Rank:''' 0/15
====Static Charge====
*'''Rank:''' 0/15
An interesting variation on Mana Shield; this sounds like it's only of use to add mana, without any protective properties.
===Tier III Skills (10 point req.)===A Wizard is required to spend 10 skill points in this skill tree before putting points into any of the skills at this tier.
*'''Mana cost:''' 8
====Ray of Frost====
*'''Mana cost:''' 16 mana per sec.
====Static Residue====
''Enemies damaged by your lightning spells discharge an additional 1 to 3 lightning damage per sec to nearby enemies for 3 seconds.''
*'''Rank:''' 0/15
An add on type of skill, this one does nothing by itself, but adds lightning damage that hits everything nearby, when any other lightning skill is used.
====Lethal Energy====
''Increases the chance to score critical hits with melee and spell attacks by 5%.''
*'''Rank:''' 0/15
As with other skills in the Wizard's tree (and those of the other characters), boosting Critical Hits is a very powerful technique in D3.
====Improved Charged Bolt====
''Increase the number of bolts released by your charged bolt spell by 1.''
*'''Rank:''' 0/15
This one was not seen at Blizzcon 2008, but it sounds like an interesting upgrade. It's unclear why anyone would put more than 1 point into regular Charged Bolt though, with this one waiting at a higher level. Also keep in mind that lightning critical hits stun enemies in D3, so imagine how effective this spell could be with a high level of critical adding damage and stunning the monsters as they bathe in the river of Charged Bolts flowing out from the Wizard.
===Tier IV Skills===
A wizard must invest 15 points elsewhere in this skill tree before enabling any skills from this tier.
[[Image:Skill_wizard_tornado.jpg|right|thumb|150px|We're not in Kansas anymore...]]
*'''Mana cost:''' 15
As in DII with the Druid, the best use of the tornadoes will likely be multiple, concentrated casts in a small area packed with enemies, to ensure the most damage in the shortest period of time. Higher levels of the skill may increase their size or may simply increase raw damage. Epic Storm will increase the number of simultaneous tornadoes you can cast, and Lethal Energy will increase the chance to score critical strikes.
It's not clear what type of damage a tornado deals, so what bonuses the critical hits would deal is not known.
*'''Rank:''' 0/1
*'''Mana cost:''' 70
The mandatory spell, this one is visually improved in D3. There is now a cloud shown above the enemies, from which large chunks of ice crash down to earth.
====Storm Power====
''Increase damage of all lightning and ice spells.''
*'''Rank:''' 0/15
====Epic Storms====
*'''Rank:''' 0/15
An interesting mastery skill, this one boosts two different spells (but not everything in the tree), though by now much remains to be seen.
==Arcane Tree==