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65 bytes removed, 21:49, 18 August 2011
Ranged Classes
[[File:Follower interaction.jpg|thumb|300px|[[NPC]]s who might be something like the '''[[other classes|fifth class]]'''. Could it be the [[archer]]?]]
In [[Diablo 3]], the following classes are considered "ranged" [[class]]es:
* [[WizardDemon Hunter]] - Pure spell caster. Has [[melee]] spells, but don't physically hit [[monster]]s often. ItThe Demon Hunter is Diablo 3's a archetypal [[casterarcher]] class for sure, but also mostly ranged. * [[Other classes]] - Many players are expecting some sort of She deals physical ranged damage via bows or her special pistol crossbows. The class also utilizes traps and gadgets with explosive and elemental properties to be announced by [[Blizzard]], possibly the [[rogue]] or the [[archer]]keep enemies at bay
==Ranged Monsters==