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204 bytes added, 19:45, 5 August 2011
new skill info
'''Sprint''' is a [[Barbarian]] Tier 4 [[Barbarian_skills|skill]] unlocked at [[Clvlclvl|level]] 1024, which grants the Barbarian a movement speed bonus for a limited amount of time.
|name= Sprint
|user= Barbarian
|tier= 4|clvl= 1024
|description= Increases movement speed by X% for Y seconds
|type= [[Buff]]
* No [[synergies]] with any of the [[traitpassive skill]]s are yet known.
After skill trees were eliminated, Sprint reappeared at [[BlizzCon 2010]] as a Tier 4 skill. Although it was one of Barbarian's skills in the [[PvP]] demo, there are no gameplay reports detailing the usage of this skill.
Skill tiers were removed for the July 2011 Press Event, and Sprint became a level 24 skill.
===In Other Games===
==Related LinksArticles==List ''Articles that are related, but not emphasised enough in any links other section, or articles that would be useful for just need further reading on this particular monster. Try to avoid double links with the "References" section belowattention.''
== References ==
* [ BlizzCon 2009 Full Barbarian Skill Trees and Stats]
* [ BlizzCon 2010 PvP Hands-on Report]
* [ July 2011 Press Event Coverage - The Barbarian (Translated by Zediono)]
{{Slave navbox Diablo III|D3_Barbarian}}