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Set Items

2,018 bytes added, 10:03, 6 July 2011
Diablo III Item Set Development
==Diablo III Item Set Development==
The [[D3 Team]] has said that they want to include item sets in Diablo III, but that there are still some problems to surmount. [[Jay Wilson]] spoke on this point in August, 2010:<ref>[ Jay Wilson Interview] -, August 2010</ref>
<blue>'''Jay Wilson: '''We understand the problems with item sets. We want to solve them. Set items are under work now, if we can't find a way to solve the problem it won’t be in the game. But we’ve got a couple of ideas on the table and we think it'll work out.</blue>
Their solution is to make multiple different types of items work in the same item sets. There are 18 levels of armor ([[gear sets]]) in Diablo III, so one low level item set that included a belt might allow that belt to drop from gear sets 4-9. This would be the same item with (presumably) identical same stats; it would just be able to spawn (from drops or crafting [[recipes]]) on multiple different types of base item, keeping the item and the item set viable for longer.
Bashiok explained this in a forum post in April 2011.<ref>[ Bashiok forum post] -, April 2011</ref>
<blue><font color="#FFFFFF">No set item parts/pieces? Or to clarify, will set pieces only be useful if the whole set is completed?</font><br>
Bashiok: Set items are now legendaries defined by a set bonus. They’re crafted items while leveling (recipes can be found that grant the ability to craft all the items in a set), which allows someone to really invest in filling out a set before they out-level it. Then at max level we’ll drop set pieces normally.
<font color="#FFFFFF">Leveling up you will find recepies that will enable you to make a set. Every item in that set will be in the recipe list, enabling you to craft the set one piece at a time. When you hit max level, you will find the actual set pieces, not the recipes for the complete sets… That’s how I understood it.</font><br>
Bashiok: Yeah, that’s it. Although recipes aren’t planned to actually stop dropping. You’ll just also have the items themselves drop in addition.</blue>
This item system works very differently than it did in Diablo II. There are no "set items" in Diablo III. There are only legendary items, some of which are grouped into item sets. These items will have attractive stats on their own, and can be used piecemeal, but when a character equips multiple items from the same set, additional bonuses will be generated.
==Diablo II Problems==